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No business in abuse No Business In Abuse


Australians are coming together to stop corporations profiting from human suffering in Australia's detention camps. Will you join us?

The plan

The plan begins with you signing the pledge – but that's just the start of this game-changing campaign to end business in abuse.

Ultimately, No Business in Abuse is working to transform the Australian market – so companies who profit from abuse are forced to choose between Australia's abusive detention regime and a profitable business model.

Here's what's going to happen in the next few months:

  • Tens of thousands of Australians will sign the pledge – and show the companies profiting from abuse that they have been completely rejected by the people they need to survive.

  • Then we'll make that rejection hit home, by drying up their potential investor and client market. Hundreds of us will start targeting strategic businesses and institutions, asking them to pledge never to contract with companies like Transfield, unless they clean up their act.

Tens of thousands of individual Australians, backed up by local businesses and institutions, will be sending a loud and clear message to corporations like Transfield: being complicit in abuse has consequences.

Along the way, we'll keep the pressure up in every way we can, as investors, customers and community members. There will be tons of opportunities to take action, and they'll happen at every level, from your community to the national stage.

Are you in? Start by signing the pledge, and we'll be in touch soon with the campaign's next steps.